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Home Articles Nepal Swayambhunath - artelino

Swayambhunath - artelino

Swayambhunath Stupa.Swayambhunath stupa is roughly 2,000 years old. It is located on a small, but steep hill, and used to be outside Kathmandu City. It is home of the Adibuddha, the infinite Buddha without beginning and end.

According to the legend Manjushri, a Chinese saint had come to Nepal to pay his respect to Adibuddha. He found a blue flame on lotus in the middle of a huge lake that filled the Kathmandu valley in former times. Manjushri drained the lake with his sword and transferred the blue flame with the lotus on top of Swayambhunath hill.

All-Seeing Buddha's Eyes

A huge pair of eyes painted on the stupa walls symbolizes the all-seeing eyes of Buddha. Swayambhunath is a place of religious pilgrimage for Buddhists and Hindus alike. There are two entrances to the stupa. A long and steep stairway and a road that takes you close to the hill top. Take the stairways from the east entrance. It takes more effort and sweat, but it is more rewarding to climb your way up the 365 stone paved stairs.

When you reach the hill top with the stupa, please go around the stupa clockwise. It is the religious custom for Buddhists and one should respect it. And just as in Boudhanath you find souvenir shops in the outer circle of the stupa.

I remember when I was here for the first time about 30 years ago, I was more or less alone. The visit could be combined with a nice walk through the countryside. The countryside does not exist any longer. The city of Kathmandu now reaches to Swayambhunath hill. The following color slide images are 30 years old.

start stop bwd fwd

Times have changed since then. The following video gives a good impression of what it looks and feels today. Nevertheless, it is still a nice place to visit in the Kathmandu valley.

Swayambhunath on Google Maps

The map shows the two entrances to the stupa. The long stairway from the east and the winding road on the west side. Walk up the long stairways from the east. And if you need a taxi for your way back, go to the west entrance. This is where you will find taxis.

{mosmap width='500'|height='400'|lat='27.71575'|lon='85.29000'|zoom='16'|zoomType='Large'|zoomNew='0'|mapType='Hybrid'|showMaptype='1'|overview='0'|text='Swayambhunath Stupa. Climb up the stairway from the east!'|lang=''}

Dieter Wanczura, June 2010.

Last Updated on Monday, 08 November 2010 17:22  

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