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Home Links Buddhist Book Stores - artelino
Buddhist Book Stores - artelino
Web Links

Book stores focused on Buddhism, Tibet, the Himalayas and arts and crafts from the Himalayan region.

These links are provided for your convenience in an area where information is not easy to find. A listing on artelino does not signify that we recommend endorse a web site or recommend a shop.

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# Web Link Hits
1 Wisdom Books Wisdom Books
Wisdom Books was founded in 1989 and is a book distribution and mail order company focusing on Buddhism and its related subjects of meditation, Tibet and the rapidly developing dialogue between eastern and western philosophies and cultures
2 Shambala Publications Shambala Publications
Shambala is a book publisher. But you can also buy online from the site.
3 Pilgrims Book House Pilgrims Book House
Pilgrims is a group with book shops in several places in India and Nepal. I know only the Pilgrims Book Shop in Thamel, Kathmandu. They offer a huge variety of books and maps on Himalayan subjects. And inside is a small court with a coffee shop, an oasis in busy Thamel.
4 Vajra Books Vajra Books
Vajra Books and Publications is specialized in books about the Himalayan region. The shop is located in Thamel, the tourist quarter of Kathmandu, Nepal.
5 Paljor Publications Paljor Publications
Paljor Publishing is a publisher and book distributor from India dealing with all aspects of Tibet.

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