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Himalayan Woodcarvings - artelino
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Woodcarvings from Nepal and other places in the Himalayan region. We present sources for new items made in wood by skilful artisans.

These links are provided for your convenience in an area where information is not easy to find. A listing on artelino does not signify that we recommend this shop or endorse this web site. In fact, in most cases we do not know the web site owners or operators and have never been in touch with them unless otherwise stated.

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1 Kalinta - NP Kalinta - NP
Himalayan wooden crafts from Kathmandu in Nepal. Apart from Nepal style wooden objects, they manufacture also new, painted Tibetan style furniture.
2 Woodcarving Industries - NP Woodcarving Industries - NP
Established in 1967 they are specialized in all kinds of Nepali wooden carvings and furniture. The website shows an impressive catalog of beautiful hand-carved items, from large pavilions to small Buddha statues.

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